Thursday, May 6, 2010

i had a little too much time on my hands this morning which is generally a bad thing. usually it begins with me thinking a little too much, then getting dizzy and slapping myself out of it.
but todays focus was on food, more specifically icecream, which is probably my subconcious telling me that i'm way too into the stuff.

and i realised that i take great enjoyment in watching people eat icecream. which sounds super effing creepy until you really think about it.
you can tell a lot about someone from the way that they eat icecream


the boyfriend is slightly eccentric, reflected in his ability to eat icecream like a down syndrome kid.

heres a little code to go by: (no scientific evidence)

long licks- slightly sensual/ sexually aware

short licks- pedantic and neat

biting- outgoing and indulgent

ends up all over your face- idiot.

in an icecream sandwich-fatty.

dripping down your hand-you took too long.

oh and if you make slurping noises- should never be allowed to eat icecream...ever.

that's it for my philosophical side for's some pretty stuff to look at.

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  1. Interesting theory, clearly scientifically correct. Should be published in the New England Journal of Icecream Behaviour.

    Love the pics... a little bit of a leg theme happening... a reflection of your subconscious?!


  2. LOL you're hilarious! Man do i ever wish i had too much time on my hands in the mornings - i envy you ;)

    Great space you have here, i adore that Ali M. photo. And thanks for stopping by mine :)


  3. i love that last picture. tangled limbs are the best.

  4. i laughed out loud when i read "all over your face-idiot" :D
    i always love your pictures (i am repeating myself, i know)

  5. funny stuff! I love your blog!

  6. wow ur blog is amazing as well! :D! loving every post!



  7. Loving&following all of this.!
